“Why Can I see Static? You Could Have Visual Snow Syndrome” — IFLScience Highlights Visual Snow Syndrome & VSI

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Rachael Funnell’s piece about Visual Snow Syndrome in IFLScience

“Crackling, fizzing, grey, black, and white specks flicking in and out of view like television static. Sound familiar? Turns out, you’re not alone. Visual Snow Syndrome is a rare and mysterious condition whose prevalence – and even existence – have been the topic of many scientific studies.

The visual anomaly is said to veil a person’s vision with what appears to be TV static or “snow” which can be intermittent or constant in those affected. The visual snow may become more apparent in the dark or when your eyes are closed, so if you’ve ever found yourself wondering “why can I see static?” while trying to sleep, it could be worth reading on.”

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