Participate in the Visual Snow Community Book Project

Participate in the Visual Snow Book Project

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Jacqueline Bediako is a writer and behavior analyst, based in New Jersey, and practicing as a clinician in New York City. Prior to her work as a clinician, Jacqueline has worked as an Assistant Head of School and special education head teacher.

Jacqueline’s clinical work focuses on the treatment of autistic children. In addition, Jacqueline uses her skills as a writer to uplift the stories of marginalized communities including women, members of immigrant populations and people with disabilities. Jacqueline, who lives with Visual Snow Syndrome herself, is currently working on a book project to share the stories of individuals living with Visual Snow.

Jacqueline’s experience with Visual Snow during a stressful, and difficult transition in her life back in 2019, caused her symptoms to worsen, and consequently she was left moving from doctor to doctor who informed her that symptoms were “all in her head.”

In addition to the visual symptoms, Jacqueline experienced the challenges of migraines, which were also deeply debilitating and impacted her quality of life. Jacqueline finally sought help from a doctor who was aware of her condition, and her life changed for the better with the prescription of tinted glasses.

Mission of the Book Project

➢ Raise awareness of Visual Snow as a condition

➢ Empower others who might be having a difficult time with the condition, and managing their symptoms

➢ Serve as a resource for clinicians and practitioners

➢ Share stories and uplift the voices of individuals who have persevered and/or sought help with their symptoms

➢ 25% of the proceeds from the book project will be donated to the Visual Snow Initiative to help further their work in the area

Further Information

Jacqueline is looking for members of the Visual Snow community to share their stories with her, and contribute to the book. Individuals can also make anonymous contributions to the book if they wish to. If you are interested in contributing, please contact Jacqueline at [email protected]