Announcing: VSI & Patient Worthy Partnership

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The Visual Snow Initiative (VSI) and Patient Worthy are collaborating to further spread awareness of Visual Snow Syndrome within the medical community.

Patient Worthy, an online publication dedicated to providing relevant information to individuals with medical conditions, caregivers, and advocates, is committed to fostering education and awareness with a touch of humor. The overarching goal is to inspire those in the rare disease community to confront their chronic conditions armed with the knowledge that they are not alone in their battle.

At Patient Worthy, the promotion of the exploration of new treatment options, active support for the dissemination of awareness, and encouragement of engaging in occasionally challenging conversations are key priorities.

To start off this collaboration, Sierra Domb has contributed an insightful article on Visual Snow Syndrome to the Patient Worthy website. Titled “Visual Snow Syndrome 101,” the article serves as a comprehensive guide, aiding individuals in gaining a deeper understanding of Visual Snow Syndrome and providing valuable insights to effectively manage their symptoms.

Through collaboration with Patient Worthy, our aim is to broaden the understanding of Visual Snow Syndrome. For more information on Visual Snow Syndrome and the partnership between VSI and Patient Worthy, explore the details on their respective platforms.

Learn more about Visual Snow Syndrome and the collaboration between VSI and Patient Worthy.

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