Fiat Lux: Visual Snow Syndrome Book and Potential Movie

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In 2013, author Michael Segal started writing books that captivated readers. Among his ten books, his most recent one is “Fiat Lux”, a book dedicated to raise awareness on Visual Snow Syndrome (VSS). Michael’s girlfriend, Desiree Giorgetti, an actress and singer, played a pivotal role in inspiring him to write the book. Having personally experienced the symptoms and challenges of VSS, Desiree’s pop band, “After Image 23,” draws its name from a common VSS symptom. Together, Michael and Desiree share their heartfelt inspiration and hopes for using various media platforms to shed light on VSS and its impact on individuals’ lives.

This article delves into the story behind his book and explores the potential for a movie adaptation. 


“Fiat Lux” is a thrilling novel that follows the life of Marie, a renowned artist and painter, inspired by Desiree. Marie unexpectedly becomes a witness to a politically motivated murder—the mayor of New York. However, due to her Visual Snow Syndrome (VSS), she struggles to clearly identify the murderer. Fearing for her safety and the threat of assassination, a dedicated police officer steps in to protect her. The police officer introduces Marie to a Nobel Prize-winning neurology researcher who offers immersive treatment and potential cures for her condition.
In an intriguing twist, Marie’s journey becomes entangled with paranormal elements and a hidden secret about humanity’s connection to ancient extraterrestrial races. As she seeks clarity and safety, Marie must confront the challenges posed by her VSS, but it also allows her to observe what humanity cannot.

Writing Process

“Fiat Lux ” came naturally to Michael, given his deep understanding of VSS from Deiree’s personal experience and the story he had envisioned. Michael’s unique perspective, combined with his research, allowed him to create an engaging narrative that explores both the medical and emotional aspects of the condition. By presenting alternative theories about a cure, he adds a compelling and fascinating twist to the story. 

Michael performed extensive research, including studying the Visual Snow Initiative website and documentaries, which helped him gain insights into the condition’s medical aspects, in addition to Desiree’s personal experiences. Michael wanted to explore the relationship between how people with VSS perceive the world compared to the majority who experience clear vision. 

The potential impact of a movie adaptation, with its visual storytelling, intrigued him as a powerful medium to raise awareness in the future.

Empowering the VSS Community

Michael and Desiree aim to shed light on VSS through their book and potentially a movie adaptation. For Desiree, who has personally experienced this condition since birth, the project is deeply personal. Together, they strive to emphasize that individuals with VSS can lead fulfilling lives and should not be defined by their condition. By providing a window into the world of visual snow and portraying its effects with authenticity, they hope to empower those who feel isolated and misunderstood. 

Looking to the Future

As discussions continue about a potential movie adaptation, the focus remains on promoting the book and its message. Readers are encouraged to explore “Fiat Lux” and delve into the captivating world Michael has created. The authors are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and express their gratitude to the Visual Snow Initiative and VSS community for resources and inspiration.

Their Message to the VSS Community:


“Know your enemy, for fear thrives in the unknown. In the book, I explain Visual Snow Syndrome thoroughly, shedding light on what’s really happening. You don’t have to be scared. There’s something special, something fascinating in the way you see the world. Embrace it. Don’t think of yourself as less than others. Instead, find the positivity that can be drawn from this experience.”


“I cannot imagine a world without visual snow. It has been with me since birth, and at the age of six, I realized others didn’t perceive the world as I did. Despite the challenges I face in my everyday life, I refuse to give up and be overcome. This book, along with the possibility of a movie adaptation, is a transformative journey—transforming poison into medicine. I refuse to view my condition as debilitating; instead, it fuels my creative energy and propels me forward. I hold onto hope that people will embrace this book, as every purchase contributes to the cause of more research. Together, we can make a difference.”

Purchase & Access

Click here to purchase “ Fiat Lux” 

Anyone can make a difference by purchasing a copy of the book today. 

With every purchase, a portion of the proceeds will be dedicated to supporting the Visual Snow Initiative (VSI) and ongoing research on Visual Snow Syndrome (VSS).

Get your book copy and contribute to the advancement of understanding and finding a cure for VSS. 

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